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A Glossary of the Scots Dialect |
Wa' | a wall. |
Wa'-flower | the wallflower. |
Wab | a web. |
Wabster | a weaver. |
Wad | would; a wager; to wed (wad a haen = would have had). |
Wad'a | would have. |
Wadna | would not. |
Wadset | a mortgage. |
Wae | woe, sorrowful (wae days = woeful days) (wae worth = woe befall). |
Wae's | woe is. |
Waefu | woeful. |
Waefu' | woeful. |
Waes | woes (waes me = woe is me). |
Waesucks | alas. |
Waeworth | wo befall. |
Waft | weft (cross thread in a loom). |
Waifs | stray sheep. |
Wair | worn (v. ware). |
Wair't | spent it. |
Wal'd | choose. |
Wale | choice. |
Walie | ample, large. |
Wallop | (wallop in a tow = to hang oneself). |
Walyfa' | ill befall! |
Wame | the belly. |
Wamefou | bellyfull. |
Wan | did win; earned. |
Wanchancie | unlucky. |
Wanrestfu' | restless. |
War'd | spent; bestowed. |
Ware | to spend. |
Wark | work. |
Wark-lume | tool. |
Warks | works. |
Warl' | warld, world. |
Warl'y | warldly, worldly. |
Warld | the world. |
Warlock | wizard. |
Warly | worldly. |
Warran | warrant. |
Warran' | warrant. |
Warse | worse. |
Warsl'd | wrestled. |
Warsle | to wrestle, to struggle. |
Warst | worst. |
Warstl'd | wrestled. |
Wasna | was not. |
Wast | west. |
Wastrie | prodigality, riot. |
Wat | wet; know (wat na, know not). |
Water-fit | water-foot (the river's mouth). |
Water-kelpies | water spirits (v. kelpies). |
Waterbrose | meal and water. |
Wattle | twisted wands. |
Wauble | to wobble. |
Waught | a big drink. |
Wauk | to awake. |
Wauken | to awaken. |
Waukening | awakening. |
Waukens | wakens. |
Waukin | awake. |
Waukit | thickened with toil. |
Waukit(withtoil) | horny. |
Waukrife | wakeful. |
Wauks | awakes. |
Waulie | jolly. |
Waur | to fight, to defeat; worse. |
Waur't | worsted (i.e. beaten fabric). |
We'se | we shall or will. |
Wean(weeone) | a child. |
Weanies | babies. |
Weans | children. |
Weason | the weasand. |
Wecht | a measure for corn. |
Wee | little (a wee = short time) (a wee a-back = small space behind). |
Weel | well. |
Weel-faured | well-favored. |
Weel-gaun | well-going. |
Weel-hain'd | well-saved. |
Weel-kent | well-known. |
Weepers | mournings (on the steeve or hat). |
Weet | wet. |
Weethings | children. |
Werena | were not. |
Westlin | western. |
Wha | who (wha e'er = who ever). |
Wha's | whose; who is. |
Whaizle | to wheeze. |
Whalpet | whelped. |
Whalpit | whelped. |
Wham | whom. |
Whan | when. |
Whang | a large slice. |
Whar | where. |
Whare | where. |
Whase | whose. |
Whatfor | (whatfor no? = for what reason not?) |
Whatna | what. |
Whatreck | what matter; nevertheless. |
Whatt | did whet or cut. |
Whaup | a curlew. |
Whaur | where. |
Whaur'll | where will. |
Wheep | v. penny-wheep. |
Wheep(pennywheep=smallbeer) | |
Whid | a fib. |
Whiddin | running as a hare. |
Whids | gambols. |
Whigmaleeries | crochets, peculiarities. |
Whigmeleeries | crotches. |
Whiles | from time-to-time. |
Whin | furze brush. |
Whingin | whining. |
Whingin' | whining, complaining. |
Whins | furze. |
Whirlygigums | useless ornaments. |
Whisht | peace. |
Whiskit | whisked. |
Whissle | whistle. |
Whist | silence. |
Whistle | the throat. |
Whitter | a healthy draft of liquor. |
Whittle | a knife. |
Whun-stane | granite. |
Whup | a whip. |
Whyles | sometimes. |
Wi' | with. |
Wi's | with his. |
Wi't | with it. |
Wick | a term in curling. |
Wicker | (willow wicker = small species of willow). |
Widdifu' | gallows-worthy. |
Widdle | struggle or bustle. |
Wiel | a small whirlpool. |
Wifie | wife (dim). |
Wight | strong, powerfull. |
Wighter | more influential. |
Wil' | wild. |
Willcat | wildcat. |
Willyart | wild, strange. |
Wimpl't | wimpled. |
Wimple | to meander. |
Wimplin | flowing, meandering. |
Win | won. |
Win' | wind. |
Win't | did wind. |
Winkin | winking. |
Winn | to winnow. |
Winna | will not. |
Winnin | winding. |
Winnock | window. |
Winnock-bunker | window seat. |
Wins | winds. |
Wintle | staggering motion. |
Wintles | struggles. |
Winze | a curse. |
Wiss | wish. |
Witha' | withal. |
Withoutten | without. |
Won | to dwell. |
Wonner | a wonder. |
Wons | dwells. |
Woo' | wool. |
Woodie | the gallows. |
Woodies | twigs, withes. |
Wooer-babs | garters tied above the calf of the leg with two loops. |
Wordie | word (dim). |
Wordy | worthy. |
Worl' | world. |
Worset | worsted. |
Worth | v. wae worth. |
Wraith | ghost. |
Wrang | wrong. |
Wreeths | wreaths. |
Wud | mad. |
Wumble | anger. |
Wyle | to beguile, to decieve. |
Wyliecoat | flannel vest. |
Wyling | beguiling. |
Wyte | to blame. |
Wyte(weight) | blame. |
The Works of Robert Burns are in the Public Domain.
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Page last updated 02-NOV-2000