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A Glossary of the Scots Dialect |
Sab | to sob. |
Sabs | sobs. |
Sae | so. |
Saft | soft. |
Sair | sore; to serve. |
Sair't | served. |
Sairie | sorrowful, sorry. |
Sairly | sorely. |
Sall | shall. |
Sandy | Sannack, dim. of Alexander. |
Sang | song. |
Sannock | Alexander. |
Sark | a shirt, a shift. |
Sarkit | shirted. |
Saugh | the willow. |
Saul | soul. |
Saumont | sawmont, the salmon. |
Saunt | saint. |
Saut | salt. |
Saut-backets | v. backets. |
Saw | to sow. |
Sawin | sowing. |
Sawmont | a salmon. |
Sawney | v. sandy. |
Sawnie | Alexander. |
Sax | six. |
Scaith | hurt. |
Scar | to scare. |
Scathe | scaith, damage; v. skaith. |
Scaud | to scald. |
Scaul | scold. |
Scauld | to scold. |
Scaur | to scar; frightened. |
Scawl | a scold. |
Scho | she. |
Schoolin' | teaching. |
Scone | a soft flour cake. |
Scones | griddle cakes. |
Sconner | disgust. |
Scraichin | screeching. |
Screed | a tear; to repeat glibly. |
Scriechin | screeching. |
Scriegh | skriegh, v. skriegh. |
Scrievin | careering. |
Scrimpit | scanty. |
Scrimply | sparingly. |
Scroggie | covered with stunted shrubs. |
Sculdudd'ry | fornication. |
See'd | saw. |
Seisins | freehold possessions. |
Seizins | investitures. |
Sel | self. |
Sell'd | sell't, sold. |
Sell't | sold. |
Semple | simple. |
Sen' | send. |
Sen'send | |
Set | lot. |
Sets | becomes; starts. |
Settlin'settling | |
Shachl'd | shapeless. |
Shachl't | loose and ill shaped. |
Shaird | a shred. |
Shanagan | a cleft stick. |
Shangan | a cleft stick. |
Shank | leg (spindle shank = skinny leg). |
Shanna | shall not. |
Shaul | shallow. |
Shaver | a wag. |
Shavie | a trick. |
Shaw | show; wooded dell. |
Shaw'd | showted |
Shearer | a reaper. |
Sheep-shank | (thinks himsel nae sheep-shank bane = he who considers himself highly). |
Sheerly | wholly. |
Sheers | shears. |
Sherra-moor | sheriffmuir. |
Sheugh | a trench or ditch. |
Sheuk | shook. |
Shiel | a hut. |
Shill | shrill. |
Shog | a shock. |
Shool | shovel. |
Shoon | shoes. |
Shor'd | threatened; offered. |
Shore | to threaten; to offer. |
Shortsyne | a little while ago. |
Shouldna | should not. |
Shouther | showther, shoulder. |
Shure | did shear (grain). |
Sic | such. |
Siccan | such a. |
Sicker | steady, certain; sicker score = strict conditions. |
Siclike | such like. |
Sidelins | sidelong. |
Siker | secure. |
Siller | money, silver. |
Simmer | summer. |
Sin | since. |
Sin' | since. |
Sindry | sundry. |
Singet | sang. |
Singin' | singing. |
Sinn | the sun. |
Sinny | sunny. |
Sinsyne | since then. |
Skaith | hurt. |
Skaithing | hurting. |
Skeigh | skittish, high strung; disdainful. |
Skellum | a worthless fellow. |
Skelp | a slap. |
Skelpie-limmer | a technical term in female scolding. |
Skelpie-limmer's-face | a technical term in female scolding (R. B.). |
Skelpin | slapping, pounding. |
Skelpin' | slapping, pounding. |
Skelpit | pounded, slapped. |
Skelvy | shelvy. |
Skiegh | v. skeigh. |
Skinkin' | thin liquid. |
Skinking | watery. |
Skinklin | glittering. |
Skirl | to shriek. |
Sklent | to slope, to lie. |
Sklented | slanted. |
Sklentin | slanting. |
Skouth | range, scope. |
Skreech | to scream. |
Skriech | a scream. |
Skriegh | to scream. |
Skyrin | flaring. |
Skyrin' | multi-colored. |
Skyte | a glancing blow. |
Slade | slid. |
Slae | the sloe. |
Slap | gap or hole. |
Slaw | slow. |
Slee | sly, clever. |
Sleekit | sleek. |
Sleest | slyest. |
Slidd'ry | slippery. |
Sloken | to quench, to slake. |
Slypet | slipped, fell over slowly. |
Sma' | small. |
Smeddum | dust, powder; mettle, sense. |
Smeek | smoke. |
Smiddy | a smithy. |
Smoor'd | smothered. |
Smoutie | smutty. |
Smytrie | a number huddled together. |
Snakin | sneering. |
Snap | smart. |
Snapper | to stumble. |
Snash | abuse; impertinence. |
Snaw | snow (snaw broo=melted snow (lit. snow broth)). |
Snaw-broo | snow-brew (melted snow). |
Snawy | snowy. |
Sned | to cut off. |
Sneeshin-mill | a snuff box. |
Sneeshinmill | a snuff-box. |
Snell | bitter, biting. |
Snick | the latching of a door. |
Snirtle | to laugh slyly |
Snoods | fillets worn by maids. |
Snool | to cringe; to sneaks; to snub. |
Snoov'd | went smoothly. |
Snoove | to go slowly. |
Snowkit | snuffed. |
Sodger | a soldier. |
Soger | a soldier. |
Sonsie | jolly, comely, plump. |
Sonsy | pleasant, good-natured, jolly. |
Soom | to swim. |
Soor | sour. |
Sootie | sooty. |
Sough | a heavy sigh. |
Souk | suck. |
Soupe | a spoonful, small quantity of liquid. |
Souple | supple. |
Souter | a shoemaker. |
Sowens | porridge of oat flour. |
Sowps | spoonsful. |
Sowth | to whistle a tune. |
Sowther | to solder. |
Spae | to prophesy. |
Spail | chip of wood. |
Spails | chips. |
Spairge | to splash; to spatter. |
Spairges | dashes about. |
Spairin | sparing. |
Spak | spoke. |
Spate | a flood. |
Spates | floods. |
Spavie | spavin (disease primarily of horses and mules). |
Spavit | spavined, diseased (of the horse). |
Spean | to wean. |
Speat | a flood. |
Speel | to climb. |
Speer | to inquire. |
Speet | to spit. |
Spence | the country parlor. |
Spier | to inquire. |
Spleuchan | a tobacco pouch. |
Splore | a frolic. |
Sprachl'd | clambered. |
Sprackled | clambered. |
Sprattle | to struggle. |
Spreckled | speckled. |
Spring | quick air, a reel (music). |
Sprittie | full of roots or sprouts (a kind of rush). |
Spritty | full of rushes. |
Sprush | spruce. |
Spunk | fire, mettle. |
Spunkie | full of spirit. |
Spunkies | wills o' the wisp. |
Spurtle | stick used to stir porridge. |
Spurtle-blade | the pot-stick. |
Squatter | to flap. |
Squattle | to sprawl. |
Stacher | to totter. |
Stacher'd | staggered. |
Stack | stock; stuck. |
Staggie | dim. of staig. |
Staig | two year old horse. |
Staik | to stroke. |
Stan' | stand. |
Stan's | stands. |
Stan't | stood. |
Stane | stone. |
Stang | to sting. |
Stank | pool of stagnant water. |
Stap | to stop. |
Stapple | a stopper. |
Stark | strong, hardy. |
Starn | star. |
Starnies | dim. of starn, star. |
Starns | stars. |
Startle | to course. |
Staukin | stalking. |
Staumrel | half-witted. |
Staw | to steal. |
Stechin | cramming. |
Steek | to close. |
Steeks | stiches. |
Steer | to molest, to stir up. |
Steeve | firm. |
Stell | a still. |
Stells | whisky stills, commonly illicit. |
Sten | a leap or bound. |
Sten't | sprang. |
Stented | erected; set on high. |
Stents | assessments, dues. |
Steyest | steepest. |
Stibble | stubble |
Stibble-rig | the reaper in harvest who takes the lead; a stubble-ridge. |
Stick-an-stowe | totally, altogether. |
Stilt | halt. |
Stimpart | half a peck. |
Stirk | a cow or bull a year or two old. |
Stock | a plant of cabbage; colewort. |
Stockins | stockings. |
Stockit | stocked. |
Stocks | plants of cabbages. |
Stoited | stumbled. |
Stoiter'd | staggered. |
Stoitered | staggered. |
Stoor | strong, harsh, deep. |
Stoppit | stopped. |
Stot | an ox. |
Stoun' | pang, throb. |
Stoure | dust (on the wind), confusion. |
Stourie | dusty. |
Stown | stolen. |
Stownlins | by stealth. |
Stowp | stand. |
Stowrie | dustie. |
Stoyte | to stumble. |
Strade | strode. |
Strae | (a fair strae-death = a natural death in bed). |
Straik | stroke. |
Straikit | stroked. |
Strak | struck. |
Strang | strong. |
Strappin | strapping. |
Straught | straight. |
Strechin | cramming. |
Streekit | stretched. |
Striddle | straddle. |
Stringin | stringing. |
Stroan't | pissed. |
Stron't | lanted. |
Strunt | alcoholic liquor, strut. |
Studdie | a stithy. |
Stuff | grain. |
Stumpie | a short quill (dim of stump). |
Sturt | trouble, strife. |
Sturtin | frightened. |
Styme | (see a styme=see in the least). |
Sucker | sugar. |
Sucket | sugar. |
Sud | should. |
Sugh | a rushing sound. |
Sumph | churl. |
Sumphs | stupid fellows. |
Sune | soon. |
Suthron | Southern, English. |
Swaird | sword. |
Swall'd | swelled. |
Swank | thin, agile, vigorous. |
Swankie | strapping lad. |
Swankies | strapping fellows. |
Swap | exchange. |
Swapped | swopped, exchanged. |
Swarf | to swoon. |
Swat | did sweat. |
Swatch | sample. |
Swats | new ale. |
Swearin' | swearing. |
Sweer | v. dead-sweer. |
Swinge | to lash. |
Swirl | a curve. |
Swirlie | twisted, knaggy. |
Swith | swift. |
Swither | hesitation. |
Swoom | swim. |
Swoor | swore. |
Sybow | a thick-necked onion. |
Syne | since, then. |
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Page last updated 02-NOV-2000