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A Glossary of the Scots Dialect |
Rab | Rob, Robert. |
Rad | afraid |
Rade | rode. |
Raep | a rope. |
Ragweed | ragwort. |
Raibles | rattles nonsense. |
Rair | to roar. |
Rair't | roared. |
Rairin | roaring. |
Raise | rose. |
Raize | to anger, to inflame. |
Ram-stam | forward, precipitate. |
Ramblin | rambling. |
Ramfeezl'd | fatigued. |
Ramgunshoch | surly. |
Ramgunsock | rugged. |
Randie | quarrelsome (Reif randies = roysterers.) |
Randy | a vixen. |
Rant | jollification. |
Ranting | noisy, full of animal spirits. |
Rants | merry meetings; rows. |
Rape | a rope. |
Raploch | coarse cloth. |
Rash | a rush. |
Rash-buss | a bush of rushes. |
Rashes | rushes. |
Rashy | rushy. |
Rask | a rush. |
Rattan | a rat. |
Ratton | a rat. |
Ratton-key | the rat-quay. |
Raucle | rough, rash, sturdy. |
Raught | reached. |
Raw | a row. |
Rax | to stretch. |
Ream | cream. |
Ream'd | frothed, stirred up. |
Reaming | creaming, frothing. |
Reave | to cause mischief. |
Rebute | a rebuke. |
Red | advised, afraid. |
Red-wat-shod | red-wet-shod. |
Red-wud | raving mad. |
Rede | counsel. |
Reek | smoke. |
Reekie | reeky, smoky. |
Reekin | smoking; steaming. |
Reekin' | smoking; steaming. |
Reekit | smoked. |
Reestit | smoke-dried; stood restive. |
Reif | theiving. |
Remead | remedy. |
Remuve | remove. |
Rew | to take pity. |
Rickle | stock of grain. |
Rickles | small stacks of corn in the fields. |
Rief | plunder. |
Rig | a ridge. |
Riggin | rafters. |
Rigwoodie | withered. |
Rin | run. |
Rink | course of the stones in curling. |
Rinnin | running. |
Ripp | a handfull of unthrashed grain. |
Ripple | weakness in the back. |
Ripplin-kame | a flax comb. |
Riskit | made a tearing sound. |
Rive | to burst. |
Rock | a distaff. |
Rockin | a social gathering, a spinning bee. |
Roon | round. |
Roose | to praise. |
Roosty | rusty. |
Rottan | a rat. |
Roun' | round. |
Roupet | hoarse. |
Routh | v. rowth. |
Routhie | abundant. |
Row | rowe, to roll; to flow, as a river; to wrap. |
Rowe | to roll, to flow. |
Rowte | to bellow. |
Rowth | abundant. |
Rowtin | loving. |
Rozet | rosin. |
Ruefu' | rueful. |
Run-deils | downright devils. |
Rung | a cudgel. |
Runkl'd | wrinkled. |
Runt | a cabbage or colewort stalk. |
Runts | the stems of cabbage. |
Ryke | reach. |
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Page last updated 02-NOV-2000