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The OnLine Works of Robert Burns |
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[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]
Let love sparkle in her e'e; [Let Love Sparkle (Fragment), 1792]
Let not Woman e'er complain [Inconstancy In Love, 1794]
Let other heroes boast their scars, [Nature's Law, 1786]
Let other poets raise a fracas [Scotch Drink, 1785]
Life ne'er exulted in so rich a prize, [Elegy On The Late Miss Burnet Of Monboddo, 1790]
Light lay the earth on Billy's breast, [Epitaph On A Noted Coxcomb, 1794]
Lone on the bleaky hills the straying flocks [On The Death Of Robert Dundas, Esq., Of Arniston,, 1787]
Long life, my Lord, an' health be yours, [Address Of Beelzebub, 1786]
Long, long the night, [On Chloris Being Ill, 1795]
Lord, to account who dares thee call, [On Commissary Goldie's Brains, 1793]
Lord, we thank, and thee adore, [Grace After Meat, 1793]
Loud blaw the frosty breezes, [Young Highland Rover, The, 1787]
Louis, what reck I by thee, [I Reign In Jeanie's Bosom, 1788]
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Page last updated 02-NOV-2000