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The OnLine Works of Robert Burns |
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Cardin O't, The Spinnin O't, The [1795]
Carle, An The King Come [1789]
Castle Gordon [1787]
Ca' The Yowes To The Knowes [1789]
Ca' The Yowes To The Knowes (Second Version) [1794]
Charlie, He's My Darling [1794]
Charming Month Of May, The [1794]
Charms Of Lovely Davies, The [1791]
Chevalier's Lament, The [1788]
Clarinda, Mistress Of My Soul [1788]
Come, Let Me Take Thee To My Breast [1793]
Comin Thro' the Rye (First Version) [1788]
Comin Thro' the Rye (Second Version) [1788]
Comin Thro' the Rye (Third Version) [1788]
Complimentary Epigram On Maria Riddell [1793]
Complimentary Versicles To Jessie Lewars [1796]
Composed In August [1783]
Composed In Spring [1786]
Contented Wi' Little And Cantie Wi' Mair [1794]
Cooper O' Cuddy, The [1795]
Cotter's Saturday Night, The [1785]
Country Lass, The [1792]
Craigieburn Wood [1791]
Craigieburn Wood (Second Version) [1795]
Crowdie Ever Mair [1795]
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Page last updated 02-NOV-2000